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하루종일 엑셀 피벗 작업에
시간을 쓰고 있나요?
비교 분석, 공유하기 위해 만들었던 시트 작업이
CSV 파일 업로드만으로 분석이 가능해집니다.
모든 마케팅 데이터를
PROMO 하나로 한곳에서
관리할 수 있습니다.
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몇 가지 설정으로
프로젝트 별 마케팅 인사이트를
한눈에 확인할 수 있습니다.

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소재별 달성 여부를 한눈에 비교하세요
Promo에서 각 소재를 직관적으로 비교하고
가장 효율적인 소재를 빠르게 찾을 수 있습니다.
효과적인 소재 분석에
시간을 많이 쓰셨나요?
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효과적인 소재를 비교 분석해보세요
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인사이트 공유
마케팅 인사이트를
효과적으로 전달합니다.
일일이 정리해놓은 시트를 브리핑할 필요 없이
원하는 파일 형태로 쉽게 팀 내에 공유해 보세요
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마케터분들의 도움이 필요해요
프로모는 아직 부족한 부분을 개선할 점을 찾고 있어요.
그래서 마케터 여러분들께서 주시는 소중한 의견이 절실합니다.
무료로 시작하기

Towny is brewing...

Towny is crafting a new map service for food enthusiasts.

Spread the word about your favorite dining spots by recommending them to friends, family, and everyone across the globe
Browse local-approved listings,
each a beloved dining destination, not just another place on the map.
Get in touch with locals directly. Buy their recommendations and gain insights into the dining culture of your destination.
Enjoy meals that are local favorites. Every bite is a story, every dish is a local secret unveiled.
Map UI Image
Personalize Your Culinary Journey
Effortlessly manage your food map: create your own, blend in others’ recommendations, and navigate your taste trail with ease.
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Earn from Your Taste Adventures
Turn your local food insights into profit by selling your curated food lists. Share the joy of discovery and get rewarded.
We are innovating the methods we use to keep track of and share our preferred places for meals and drinks.
Reserve your place with us, where celebrities and foodies are already savoring the promise of Towny. Trust us, it'll be extraordinary.
"I'm trying to recall, what was the location he/she mentioned as a recommendation?"
Suppose you're organizing a special first date and are on the hunt for the top Sushi spot in New York. She's already expressed her fondness for Sushi, and you're eager to dazzle her. The question is, whom do you consult for recommendations? And where's that list you put together in the past?We're here to serve as your definitive destination for bookmarking and broadcasting your beloved eateries and bars. Get credible advice tailor-made for you, by you, drawing from your network or those you look up to, all in a single, elegantly designed space.
No good words? Then maybe just don't say anything.
Familiar with that phrase? We totally agree with it. In an era where many social apps present a confusing mix of some good and mostly not-so-good, we're developing an app that's all about the good stuff. Consequently, we've done away with the traditional star rating system. In 'Towny', venues are either good or they're not, plain and simple.
Be the first to experience the future of personalized food exploration and monetization.
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